Adam Spencer marries Ama Cadham.


Stive Noneman marries Amanda Cadham.

Ana Cadham gives birth to Roy Spencer


Amanda Noneman gives birth to Peter Noneman.

Ana Spencer gives birth to Oliver Spencer


Ana Spencer gives birth to Eric Spencer.


Amanda Noneman gives birth to Elissa Noneman.


Stive and Peter Noneman are killed.

Amanda Noneman sells the carpenter shop to Chris Barrington.

Julie Warren gets her sister in law, to run the dairy nest to the inn, The Old Witch.




Christmas It's twilight, when Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs get to Filly Point and enter the inn, The Filly.

At the inn, Keith Valdor tells, there was a little witch seen in the town, but she got awey. Now he and Arcy Jacobs is out looking for clues, where she might be.

Ana Spencer, a sister to Amanda Noneman, tells them, that they did not have seen any sign of the witch, and gives them an accommodation for the night together.

Next Morning, Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs crosses the bridge towards Lawrow Lake.

on the morning, the succeeding day Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs are comming down for breakfast, which Ana Spencer is serving them, before they contiue to Wondon Town.

The morning three days after The Christmas Ball, Frederic Owens books out at Ana Spencer, and continues over the brigde to Lawrow Lake.